Tuesday, February 1, 2011
How To Make Glittery Eyeballs At House
Aglitter, beautiful eyeballs are the better assets a woman can have. Takes time to reply to the extra care, the eyeballs demands on a regular basis.
Eat plenty of vitamins A and C. Be aware in the selection of eye makeup. Don't consumption makeup that can irritate and damage eyeballs. Avoid spending overmuch time in smoking rooms and don't forget a assay a regular basis.
Point 1:
Soak 1 teaspoonful of dried out gooseberry powder in a cup of water nightlong. The strain this morning and add up 1 cupful of tap water for this. Plash your eyes with this or wash out them with a ocular.link below www.livematcheach.com
Point 2:
Soaking a cotton ball in Rose water to which 2-3 dips of castor oil is added up. Place this soaked pads eyelids and make relaxed for 15-20 minutes.
Point 3:
Plash the eyes with a debile tea solvent, thoroughly strained and cooled down.
Point 4:
Cotton( wool) bolsters dawned cold tea solvent and placed on the eyelids although restful.
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